Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 3 Reading Diary: Eve

I am very interested in possibly creating a story that rhymes. This thought came to me as I read "...And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise..." I find it interesting how Eve was also made directly from Adams rib. This makes me think about how far back woman's rights go. I feel like the thought of the mother being a "stay-at-home" wife dates very far back and though I do not believe it, I feel like this creation story has had some influence on the way the woman has been viewed by society in the past. What if both Adam and Eve were created in parallel in this story? Would we still have all the same views of women as a society in general? Would we have had so many issues regarding woman's rights in the past? Why was voting such a huge issue for women at some point? The same judgement's can be applied to racism against blacks I think. Maybe all our flaws throughout history can be connected back to these early creation stories...Food for thought.
(Creation of Eve from the rib of Adam. Source)
These thoughts were accumulated while reading through the story titled Eve within the Biblical unit of the UnTextbook. The story source is form the King James Bible: Genesis 2/3. Here is the link to the section.

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