Monday, January 18, 2016

Comment Wall

Hello! My name is Alex Okhovat and I am currently a senior studying chemistry here at the University of Oklahoma!

(Comment Bubbles: Source)

(Pretty Light's Newest: Source)


  1. Great introduction for your storybook! I think it's a great chose due to you major in chemistry. I am really interested to read more of your storybook. I am curious why you choose the names you did. Such as Charles and Nikolai, placed on Darwin.

    All the detail you included are really great! It gives the reader a good/ detailed explanation of how the planet is. My favorite part is how you explained the meaning of each colors planet. The elements were all great details. The pictures also add to the story very well. I think it would make your storybook look even better though if you added some color to the background.

    At the end of the story I wonder if it would help to add a hook. Give the readers a hint as to what is coming. I know you mentioned the completion at the beginning of the story. I was really curious to see what would be happening next though. Overall I look forward to reading more of your story book.

  2. I just wanted to take a minute to comment on the look and design of your blog. I really like the background image that you chose for your blog, in fact that was also one of the patterns I tested out on mine as well. I think the colors of the text, titles, and links also go really well with the overall theme. Your blog site is really easy to navigate thanks to the tabs all down the side and I think the spacing between paragraphs make it easy to read.

  3. Hello! I love the white and modern background you went with for your blog design, I think that it matches the theme of your story quite well. The introduction to your storybook is perfect, it explains what is going to be going on and gets you attention. You provided great detail and explanation on how the plants work, and I really enjoyed that you explained the meaning of each color for the planets. It will be really interesting to follow along with your storybook till the end, I hope you have fun and channel your inner creativity!

  4. Awesome introduction for your storybook! First of all, you have picked one interesting topic. Your title just attract my attention and make me wonder how your storybook is going to look like in the future. Furthermore, I love the background theme you selected. It is simple but I like it because it looks more clean and organized. I like the main page that you have created along with the image you chose. The image of hand with planets is just a perfect image for your storybook since it is about creating and myths. I love how in detailed you are going with the planets and creation. All though a lot of detailed explanation you included it is surprisingly interesting! I think it is because of your usage of images. I was reading while i was looking at the image of stars which made me more focused in your storybook introduction. Great introduction and I will look forward to your storybook! Great job!

  5. Your storybook seems so interesting! I like how you are writing in the view on the creator of the planets. I never heard of the three planets, Darwin, Newton, and Tesla and the stories of the creation on them. I liked the brief summery of each planet and the temperature and how days work, it was a good set up for the stories. This storybook almost seemed like a blog of a scientist doing an experiment. Testing these planets and comparing how the people on them will handle the different conditions of each. Im excited to see how all the stories differ from Adam and Eve and see if what obstacles they have to overcome! Great introduction to a soon to be great storybook! Keep it up!

  6. Hey Alex, I picked your storybook for my free choice this week and was not disappointed! You did a really good job in your intro. Your topic/idea is really unique to say the least and I loved all the images you included. I thought they were really cool pictures. I thought you did really well on explaining what you will be writing about, explaining each Darwin, Newton and Tesla and what the stories were going to be about. The opening sentence to your intro was also really powerful and a great way to start of a storybook. I am definitely interested to read more of this and how the planets will affect people and what ways they will affect them. I have never had a scientist type mind but this definitely seems like it is going to be a science type theme and it seems really interesting. Like the comment above, it almost does seem like a science experiment. Good luck with the rest of your storybook!

  7. Hi Alex!

    Wow, this is the most creative storybook introduction I have read so far and I really loved it! I am so impressed by the amount of careful thought you must have put into creating the four planets. I love that each has different environments based on the science of their location and gaseous make up. That takes so much planning! I really really look forward to reading the stories about what happens on these planets. One thing I would like is to know where the stories you will add are coming from. What set or sets of mythology are they coming from? Or is there just a general theme? I think it would be fascinating and fun to be able to think of how to put the stories into each world and then later see how you end up doing it. Overall this is an absolutely fantastic introduction and I really hope to read some of your stories soon!

  8. Hey Alex! Wow I really enjoyed reading your introduction on Creation and Myth. It sounds like your stories are going to be so interesting. I like how you set up your introduction by having a little background information on each planet. You stayed really consistent by explaining the environmental factors that made each planet look the way it does and then by introducing two people from each planet. You made it very easy to read and kept my attention throughout the entire introduction! I also like how you’re bringing in a whole green perspective into your stories. It seems like a lot of the reasons why certain planets didn’t make it is because the people were wasteful and didn’t treat their environment well. I’m very curious to see the outcomes for each of the planets and to see what kind of spin you chose to take when writing your stories! Keep up the good work!

  9. Hey Alex! Your introduction for your storybook was amazing! I cannot wait to read the stories you come up! It seems like you really took your time writing the introduction, which makes all the difference! It's so cool that you are doing a storybook over creation, and not just the creation of our planet but others as well! I'm also really intrigued by the reasons some of these planets didn't last. I look forward to reading about how the inhabitants of each planet live, and how that contributes to their success or demise. You did a great job of keeping my attention throughout the entire introduction! I also really enjoyed the pictures and the description of why each planet looked the way it did! It's really cool how you included the science behind each planet as well as the creation. I can't wait to read more! Keep up the good work!

  10. Hey I just wanted to drop by to comment on the design of your blog instead of your storybook, which has gotten so many positive comments! Wow! I like how you utilized pretty much the whole page as the writing part of your blog. I've seen so many others, including mine, which have a very skinny text area and lots of extra wasted space of the sides.

  11. Red is my favorite color so obviously I love your blog. The background is fantastic. I particularly love the way it makes your images pop out. All of the images pop really well against this background!

  12. Hey Alex! Your blog is so bold! I like that even though it's bold and stands out, I am still able to read everything and find everything with ease.

  13. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this band before, and I definitely hadn’t heard this song. I have to say, I cracked up a little when the singer started in on the first verse, because they auto-tuned him so that he sounded almost exactly like one of the Chipmunks. It’s definitely different than the type of music I listen to, but I thought it was pretty interesting!

  14. I liked the way you wrote your introduction! I thought the first paragraph might be able to be split into two though, since it seems a little long. Maybe starting at "this story follows..." It was very clever to use famous names for the planets so people are able to recognize them. The pictures of the planets were also very cool! Did you come up with the description and then tried to find a picture, or did you find the pictures first then came up with the description? Or did you draw those? That would be very impressive. It was very creative to have all these different planets have different environments. It was also very smart to point out that these planets are far from each other in the introduction, otherwise that could have been a bit confusing, what with their different appearances, amount of moons and such. Good job!

  15. First thing, I know for a fact that I have never heard of this band, which means I have never heard of this song. I had no idea what to expect from it and it definitely caught me way off guard. I did not expect the singer to come in with Chipmunk voice on the first verse due to the use of auto-tune. This is not exactly my cup of tea when it comes to music, but it's interesting to hear different styles of genres.

  16. I really am enjoying your storybook! I really like all of your creativity and the importance of detail that you put into your writing. I can just imagine these three characters and can understand their emotions. Things can be going so well then all of a sudden life can take a change for the worse. This story gives the before, during, and after events of something like that happening. Great read and can't wait to read more!

  17. Alex, I read your introduction a few weeks ago as my free choice and I couldn't wait to come back and read more! I love anything to do with space and planets, so reading the description of each planet really grabbed my attention. Your first story was very interesting. I like how you made it similar to Adam and Eve, but gave it your own twist. Reading about how life started on this planet was sad, but I think it'll make for a great storybook in the end. The only request I have is that you write more. Lol. I could read stories like this all day! Don't be afraid to expand on your story and throw in some twists, or even give your story more detail. The more description the better! Help us to visualize exactly what it's like to be on this planet! Overall, I enjoyed reading your first story and rest assured I'll be back! I can't wait to see how life started on your next planet!


  18. Alex, I’m excited to read your story! Below, I will post my comments as I read along.

    Introduction: in the Beginning… this should be good!

    I created life on four planets scattered far apart from each other in the celestial seas, tracking their progress throughout the millennia.

    ~~~ this is bound to catch the reader’s attention and draw them in!

    This story follows the evolutionary journey these four very different planets took once life began; all of which end in final self-destruction except for one.

    ~~~ Geewiliker’s, which planet will be the lucky winner to keep their planet thriving!

    These four planets slowly evolved and became more complex over the centuries, all of them unknowingly participating to see who will be the final standing in order to meet their creator, Me.

    ~~~ Poor planets, don’t even know theyre competing with each other.

    Planet Darwin’s pretty, mainly because purple’s my favorite color. I should would know how Charles and Ms. Nikolai interact with one another on this ice cold purple planet.

    Amber and Rose… that’s funny to me. I’m not sure if you based that name selection with Amber Rose in mind or not. But, regardless of all of that, Planet Newton seems pretty interesting as well. Great place to get a “tan” if you’re into those types of things.

    Tesla seems just a tad bit creepy with the black slime and constant darkness. Eeeek.

    EARTH! Now I know a little something about this planet. I’ve visited a couple of times.

    Honestly, I was kind of hesitiant, just because I didn’t know which direction you were going to go with this story, but I was pleasantly surprised! It’s kind of sad when I read that very last paragraph. Im not so sure we’ve used this planted in the best manner. Actually, I know we haven’t, from the treatment of people for ages all the way to animals and the environment. Great story!

  19. Hi Alex,

    I really like your story. I like how this story is based on the stories of the bible especially the story of Adam and Eve. I also enjoyed how you created a planet based on the rules that God brought upon Adam and Eve. I also like the concept of birth by the “seed”. It was a great way to change they way birth is explained in the bible and the way that we see it today. The fight between Charles and Nikolai over who gets Eva was a great climax to the story. I did not expect people to lose the emotion of Love. Once I read that I immediately pictured what it would be like in our planet to not feel love towards other people. It is something extremely hard to picture being absent. I was also fascinated by how you made the people of Darwin lose their ability to love but gave them very good scientific skills.

  20. I really like the idea you have for the storybook! I think it is interesting to write it from the perspective of a creator of all the life. I liked the names you used too, some of them made me laugh. The planets other than earth seem like they would definitely have some huge challenges associated with living there. I wonder what it would be like to live on a planet where it was mostly dark or mostly light. I think living on a planet with a lot of light would be really fun because you can do things outside a lot more. In winter on earth it always bums me out how the sun goes down so early. I feel like it forces people inside and that isn't always that fun when you feel like doing things outside. I think it would be crazy to find out that your planet is the last one standing and that we get to meet our creator. I can't imagine what that would be like. I think I would have so many questions to ask. I would also want to be able to see what life was like for people on the other planets. I wonder if even despite the different planets all the civilizations would encounter similar problems as time unfolded. What does an average day look like for people on each of the planets? I think your idea is great and I like reading science fiction so I am excited to see more of your stories.

  21. I read your story The Love of Darwin, in your storybook. I really enjoyed your story! After reading your authors note I can see were you made all the connection to the original story. Before reagent the authors note I had no idea the original story was The Fall. I just it was really creative and you came up with a new way of how life could have started. The whole seed idea was pretty cool. I also think It was a good connection point to the original story when there would be no more love. In my opinion I like it when the new story and the original story have the same song connections. In this case you choose to keep the overall outcome, I think that was good. It would be interesting to find out how the planet adapted in the begging of the story. How it started in cold and harsh weather. Then changed to more appropriate temperature. It always interesting to know the little details.

  22. Hey Alex! I really liked the song you have posted! I usually don't listen to music like that, so it definitely got me out of what I'm used to. That song made me feel really relaxed. It made me want to maybe check out some of their other stuff to see if I liked that too!

  23. Hi Alex, I really like your Storybook! I really like the pictures of the planets that you used throughout your Storybook, where did you find those? I like how colorful they are and how well they stand out on your white background. I also like the text font and size that you used throughout your Storybook! It really makes your Storybook very easy to read. I also like the navigation of your Storybook site, it is also very easy to navigate your whole site. I also like how you based your story off of the original story by changing the location to a different planet instead of Earth---I thought that made things very interesting! The only thing I would recommend changing would be to add some dialogue--I think that would be cool to hear what the beings on those planets were thinking at the time. Overall, great job and I look forward to reading more of your work in the future!

  24. Alex, your storybook is beautiful. I've previously read your introduction and your first story and I had to come back and read your next one. I love how creative your stories are! I can tell just by reading them how much thought and effort you have put into each detail. Your stories are almost poetic. Your latest story was so beautiful! Reading it made me feel like I was in a movie. Immediately images from the movies Interstellar and Gravity flashed through my mind. I can clearly visualize each aspect based on how well you describe every detail! Your storybook is definitely one of my favorites so far! Like I've said before, the more you write the better! I love reading stories that interest me and this storybook is very intriguing! I can't wait to read your next story! Overall, an excellent job! Keep up the good work!

  25. Hi Alex,

    I thought you did an excellent job with your introduction. I liked that you had the creator giving the breakdown of what his plans and aspirations were when creating life for the four planets. Your creator seems a little maniacal, in that he set up a competition for his four species to get the chance to meet him. I like how you described each planet and the scientific reasoning behind why the planets looked the way they did.
    As I read the story about the planet Darwin, I was immediately shocked at the creator’s decision to take away the inhabitants free will after the murder. It seems like it would not be much of a competition between the other planets now that the inhabitants are just drones that are only focused on the preservation of the planet and their species. Is there going to be a point where the people on Darwin earn their free will back? I really enjoyed reading these stories. Keep up the good work!

  26. Hey Alex!
    This was my first time visiting your storybook and I loved it! First off, I love the simple and clean layout of your storybook site. The font was also easy to read which is nice. Your introduction page includes a great outline of the contents of your storybook; I like that you gave brief descriptions for each of the four planets and included neat images of them. I also really appreciate the small size of the paragraphs on your pages! Basically, you killed the aesthetic appeal.
    I think this is such a cool storybook idea! I love that it is based on creation and myth and includes lots of scientific details and terms. I had never really heard much of these planets (besides Earth) before, so it was really fun for me to read!
    You’ve done an awesome job on your storybook so far; keep up the good work these last couple of weeks!

  27. Hey Alex, I am back! Your first story was very interesting. I saw that it was based off of the story of Adam and Eve and the fall of mankind, but the part where Charles murders Nikolai because he wanted to be the only one to have Eva's affection kind of reminded me of Cain and Abel's story too. Your idea to physically plan the offspring was very interesting and creative. I never would have thought of it myself. Your second story was also very interesting to read. The tall, asexual creatures on Newton kind of reminds me of the titans in Attack on Titan (an anime, very good). Again, very creative way of thinking and writing the story. Tesla almost sounds like the ideal planet to live on, what with plentiful petroleum, impressive technological advances, and everyone living in harmony. The wormhole part was less pleasant lol. Overall very good writing and fun to read!

  28. Alex, I had to come back and read your last two stories! Your storybook was easily one of my favorites! It was so creative and each story was so unique! It must have taken hours to create these stories! They were all so detailed and you seemed to know exactly how you wanted each story to go. The stories really remind me of Interstellar. Especially when you started talking about wormholes and time travel. I also really love the fact that the stories are so creative and they have scientific details as well. It really rounds out each story to make it seem so real, yet so imaginary. Overall you did an amazing job on this storybook and I'm glad I found it early in the semester so that I could follow along with it! Even though you weren't nominated as one of the best in the class, you were definitely one of the best in my book! Great job and good luck with the rest of your semester!
