Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Week 7 Storytelling: The First Clap of Thunder

They call me Xander, god of all gods. I rule over the heavens and the seas; the gods under me control things such as the weather, love, and nature. The god of weather goes by the name of Jupiter, the god of love goes by Eden, and the god of nature goes by the name of Eve.

I have admired the god of love, Eden for many many years now, though Jupiter seems to have begun showing affection towards her also. Eve has always admired me, but I do not wish to be with her. I only want to be with Eden; for she is the most beautiful god there is who rules over the strongest emotion, love. If I could be with Eden, her love would be enough for both of us to be everlasting together.

One day I witnessed Jupiter sneak a kiss from Eden, her eyes showed that she too cared for Jupiter. I thought many nights about what happened between Jupiter and Eden before taking any action. The first day of spring, I confronted Jupiter about what happened and he ignored me completely. Jupiter did not want to get in my way, although he already unknowingly has. My resulting anger from Jupiter ignoring me caused me to do something very harsh and bold...

I summoned all of the weather in which Jupiter controlled and summoned it upon him. I gathered every bolt of lightning I could grab and sent the electricity jolting through his body. Though Jupiter was a god, he could not handle all the weather and lightning I summoned upon him; this was due to the fact that I was the sole god above him. Only I could destroy other gods if I so pleased.

As the bolts of lightning passed through his body, he collapsed down from the top story of the heavens down to the bottom floor of the earth. With so much power behind his body, the first and greatest clap of thunder ever echoed throughout the entire earth as he stuck the ground. The skies went black and the rain began for months on end. The first thunder storm graced the earth this day due to solely my actions.

Upon approaching Eden, she too ignored me and never spoke to me again for my actions towards her one love, Jupiter, could not be undone. To this day, I still remain as the loneliest god over all gods. After that day I destroyed Jupiter, thunder always accompanied lightning during storms and serves as a reminder of my own harsh actions.

(Jupiter Striking Earth: Source)
Authors Note
As I child, I remember my mother telling me that thunder was the sound of god rearranging his living room; this always grabbed my curiosity and from then, I was always intrigued by thunder and lightning. I read about the origins of lightning last week in the Nigerian tales and this week I have read the origin story of lightning within the Asian tales. I felt it was now appropriate to make my own adaptation to this origin story. 

This story was adapted from the original story entitled The Origin of Lightning, by W.A. Briggs in 1899. 


  1. I really enjoyed reading your story! I also laughed and thought it was clever to hear that your mother said that thunder was the gods rearranging furniture! My parents used to say that thunder and lightning were friends and it was them interacting and talking to each other. Your story was very well written and very easy to read! That is what the god gets when he's selfish I guess! Great job!

  2. Hey Alex! I think it’s really cool how you’ve read two different versions on the origin of lightening and then decided to create your own! I think we all enjoy having an answer to something we don’t exactly understand as children because I was told it was God bowling when I heard thunder! I also really like the image you incorporated into your story. I’ve never seen anyone’s images move!

  3. Hi, Alex. I think it was great sotry, It was interesting because you made up your own story based on your observation of lightening from two different tales. I think that was such a creative technique. I really enjoyed your writing and it was so interesting. Your picture is so epic as well! You did a great job at writing a story and picking an epic picture!
