Monday, March 28, 2016

Reading Diary Week 10: The First Fire

Yet another creation story; this one is easily my new favorite. Not only does it explain how the first fire was created, but also how the fire spread throughout the Earth. Unfortunately, the first fire was placed on an island. All the animals try to cross the water and bring the fire back because the Earth is so cold and dark. While all the animals attempt, almost all of them fail and have resulting injuries to this day because of it. For example, the owls get nearly blinded and their wings damaged when they try to bring the fire back and that the reason why to this day they have bad sight and flight abilities. The snake fell into the fire and was scorched black, the raven was burned black from the smoke above. This story explains the characteristics of many animals as well as the first fire.
The First Fire: Source
These were the collected thoughts after reading the story entitled The First Fire, written by James Mooney in 1900.

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